Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man: And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped." (Isaiah 10:13-14)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Peeling off the Scales

To spark a glimmer of uncontrolled thought, in minds that have been darkened for decades in government school, I’ll ask the following questions:

How did two planes bring down three buildings?

Why was there molten metal below the towers, thousands of degrees hotter than the temperature at which jet fuel burns, six weeks after 9-11?

How did each of the three towers collapse at the speed of gravity?

What are the chances that three buildings on the same day come down neatly in their own footprint when such a feat requires expertise and skill to accomplish anywhere else?

Cui bono? Who stood to gain? Why was there a massive increase wall street activity (put options) on United Airlines, American Airlines, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch in the few days preceding 9-11 by the Deutschebank-Alex Brown bank? (Put options give the buyer a guaranteed sell rate for a specified period of time. Those who have insider knowledge that the stock price will go down stand to gain greatly from buying put options.)

The rest requires that you suspend your belief that government is looking out for the best interest of its citizens — to suspend for a moment, that implicit trust, and consider that there are ruthless criminals in high places which seek more power than the Constitution allows.

The second thing you’ll need to do is to exercise the mental power necessary to read scientific papers that refute the conclusions asserted by FEMA and NIST.

False flag terrorist attacks are nothing new in the history of nations. To name a few well-known ones: Roman citizens blamed Nero for burning down a third of Rome. He at least opportunistically used the tragedy to murder the leaders of a small religious cult who happened to be in town: Peter and Paul. Hitler's Reichstag Fire,
LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, Operation Ajax, Operation Northwoods and more recently, Cheney's plan to kick off war with Iran

If you would like to peel off the scales, and cast off the chains you didn't know you were bound with, here is some additional information to get you started:

BYU Professor Steven E. Jones Paper on the collapses.
Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

John S. McCain, the Conservative's Choice

The conventions have wound down and the delegates are going home. I wanted to share some of my personal reflections from recent political events.

In the convention, I kept hearing about McCain’s “heroism”, “courage,” and “service,” but I couldn’t help remember when I learned years ago about what actually happened in the Vietnam torture camps, and how he was and is anathema to the POW-MIA crowd for what he did in the camp, and after he got home. A trip down Google lane dispels this tax-payer funded propaganda repeated over and over at the RNC.

I remember the McCain-Feingold abomination and how global warming keeps him up at night. I remember how he voted for two of the most liberal and left wing Supreme Court judges on the bench: Ruth Ginsberg and Steven Breyer. I remember that he addressed the radical La Raza group who advocates the violent takeover of Aztlan (that’s us) and promised them more amnesty; How he considered Justice Alito as “too conservative” and voted for the “Patriot” Act; And how he knows almost as much about economics. as Miss South Carolina

I took it for granted that conservatives wouldn’t be throwing their support to the heretofore despised McCain and that there would be outrage and an uprising when he became the nominee. However as I listened to the regular series of talk radio hosts, I found that we would simply be falling in line and that all we needed to black-out his socialist big-government agenda were “assurances”.

Then there’s Sarah. There are admittedly some things to like about her. She’s pretty, she has a family, and she sounds like she’s conservative on some issues. Yet upon reflection, I don’t know that any of those would be enough to tip the scales in McCain’s favor. I thought even if Sarah were my type of conservative, she would be completely impotent unless McCain finally kicked the bucket, or in the rare case that a Senate vote was evenly tied. Any hope that she would “re-orient” McCain is dashed when I consider that it was purely a political move on the part of McCain and nothing else.

Today it is considered impolite to suggest that working mothers should actually be at home raising their children. Instead of considering it a tragedy for the children to be raised essentially parentless, we glorify the “sacrifice” that mothers make for their career.

As it turns out Sarah is not my type of conservative and in hindsight, accepting the VP nod from McCain should have told me that. She, like McCain, has a soft-spot for global warming and directed state officials in Alaska to reduce CO2 emissions (that nasty gas that keeps plants alive). And instead of fighting to reduce government and allowing freedom in the marketplace, she fought to keep the failing, state-owned Matanuska Maid Dairy in operation. And then there’s the big one, when I thought I might really like her, her already famous “Thanks, but no thanks.” to the bridge to nowhere. Unfortunately, she has a really poor memory, or she has McCain’s penchant for saying things that just aren’t true.

100 MILLION DOLLARS. That’s what the federal government gave to the Red and Blue parties for their recent convention. When I look at the rising price of milk and wheat and gas, and clothes and nearly everything else, and my wallet feels quite a bit lighter, it makes me feel patriotic, that I get to hear 100 million dollars worth of half-truths and lies, and in return get taxed for it in the form of an inflated currency. I consider it a tragedy of the First Amendment that this state sponsoring of political candidates muffles, or rather silences the voices of more worthy candidates.

Today we live in an age where anything the media or the government says we believe, like healthy young men die in police custody — not because they are repeatedly tasered, and not because the police jump on their heads with their knees until their neck breaks — but because it’s a “syndrome”. Or that man is causing global cooling, global warming, and now global cooling again. Or like the tale that small fires brought down World Trade Center 7. Likewise, our despise turns into acceptance and then glorification of the candidates the media and the government allow into the ring.

In the past I would have been a little more hysterical over stuff like this, but my expectations have mellowed over time.

“Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil. ” I’m planning to find someone worthy of my vote instead of throwing it away on one of two Demopulicans running.

If we are ever able to get back to the “chains of the Constitution” who’s running for president will matter very little anyway as Congress is granted the balance of power, relegating the executive to not much more than a clerk. Over here in FL District 12 we’ve got a choice between Adam Putnam and Doug Tudor, unfortunately it isn’t much of a choice at all.

Thanks for listening.

John McCain vs. John McCain. A performance worthy of the John Kerry waffle float


Ignoring Secret Combinations

Moroni wasn’t speculating about a conspiracy, he said very plainly that in our day there would be the same kind of secret combination, at the head of government, that was the cause of the destruction of both the Jaredite and Nephite civilizations. He said our duty was to not turn a blind eye to it, or pretend that it doesn’t exist, but do everything in our power to expose it and overthrow it. He also taught us how to identify it. And just to be sure, so that we would be left without excuse, prophets in our day have confirmed it. But the only thing I hear in the latter-day saint community, as with the rest of the world, when someone asserts “conspiracy” is to ridicule and get angry, or ignore the person making the assertion. If someone has evidence of what Moroni said would be among us, you would think that latter-day saints of all people would want to know what it was, and study it out.

We fail to realize the magnitude of what we’re facing, and the result is a more casual attitude about the gospel, than what would be if we were armed with the truth.