Obama reverses campaign promise, will not release prisoner abuse/torture photos, Reuters. ACLU.
Obama reverses campaign promise and will not close torture or torture/rendition camps. WSJ.
Liberal icon Rachel Maddow stunned by Obama proposal for pre-emptive detention, "...one of the most radical proposals for defying the Constitution that we have ever heard made to the American people.": Rachel Maddow.
Liberal icon Kieth Olbermann says Obama broke campaign promise, worse than Bush on spying on citizens. Seeking to expand power and indemnify those who use it: Part 1, Part 2.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Elite and the Occult
Obama carries Hanuman talisman monkey god in pocket. BBC. Time. Times of India, Picture 1. Picture 2.
Obama speaks in Germany on a replica of the Pergamon Altar in Berlin Germany, which Hitler had excavated at great expense, and at which he loved to give speeches. CBS News. Picture. Wikipedia. "In Pergamos...where Satan's Throne is" (Revelation: 2:12-13). Interesting bit of symbolism in which Obama chose to give a speech.
The Bohemian Grove. Our Republic.
Witchcraft and nail clippings: the weird world of Tony and Cherie Blair: UK Independent. PrisonPlanet.
Obama speaks in Germany on a replica of the Pergamon Altar in Berlin Germany, which Hitler had excavated at great expense, and at which he loved to give speeches. CBS News. Picture. Wikipedia. "In Pergamos...where Satan's Throne is" (Revelation: 2:12-13). Interesting bit of symbolism in which Obama chose to give a speech.
The Bohemian Grove. Our Republic.
Witchcraft and nail clippings: the weird world of Tony and Cherie Blair: UK Independent. PrisonPlanet.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pulitzer Prize winner Eileen Welsome documents how the leading U.S. toxicologist Dr. Harold Hodge and associates in the US Atomic Energy Commission radiated children without their knowledge by injecting them with plutonium to see what effect it would have. The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War. Her research was the foundation for a Presidential inquiry and for bringing lawsuits against the U.S. government. Harold Hodge was instrumental in convincing the public that fluoride in water was safe and necessary!
Dr. Phyllis J. Mullenix on the toxic effects of fluoride. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Dr. Mullenix is a pharmacologist and toxicologist by training In the 1980s, Dr. Mullenix was Head of the Toxicology Department at the Forsyth Dental Center, a world renowned dental research institution affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. She was invited to start Forsyth's Toxicology Department because of her expertise in neurotoxicology.
The Fluoride Deception: An Interview with Christopher Bryson
The infamous Edward Bernays endorses fluoride! He says it's good for you!
Fluoride Action Network: fluoridealert.org
Dr. Phyllis J. Mullenix on the toxic effects of fluoride. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Dr. Mullenix is a pharmacologist and toxicologist by training In the 1980s, Dr. Mullenix was Head of the Toxicology Department at the Forsyth Dental Center, a world renowned dental research institution affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. She was invited to start Forsyth's Toxicology Department because of her expertise in neurotoxicology.
The Fluoride Deception: An Interview with Christopher Bryson
The infamous Edward Bernays endorses fluoride! He says it's good for you!
Fluoride Action Network: fluoridealert.org
Monday, April 27, 2009
The big tent. The guests of Alex Jones
Webster G. Tarpley. tarpley.net
Author, journalist, lecturer.
Max Keiser. maxkeiser.com
Film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Hosts The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News
Paul Craig Roberts. wikipedia.org
Economist. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as the "Father of Reaganomics"
Bob Chapman. theinternationalforecaster.com
Wayne Madsen. waynemadsenreport.com
Ray McGovern. wikipedia.org
Retired CIA officer under seven U.S. presidents over 27 years, presented the morning intelligence briefings at the White House for many of them.
Lindsey Williams. reformation.org
Author of The Energy Non-Crisis. Baptist Minister, Chaplain.
Russ Baker. russbaker.com. wikipedia.org
Author of Family of Secrets
Ron Paul. campaignforliberty.com
Congressman and former Presidential Candidate. Medical doctor.
Joseph Bannister. freedomabovefortune.com
Former IRS special agent.
Robert (Bob) Shulz.
Tax protester who beat the IRS.
Philip J. Berg. obamacrimes.info. Wikipedia.org
former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania, filed a lawsuit under RICO charging Bush et. al. with complicity in 9/11 attacks. Filed lawsuit against Barack Obama challenging his eligibility to be President
Rollye James. rollye.net
Charlie Sheen.
Chuck Norris.
Kurt Nimmo
Steve Watson
Paul Joseph Watson
Author, journalist, lecturer.
Max Keiser. maxkeiser.com
Film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Hosts The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News
Paul Craig Roberts. wikipedia.org
Economist. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as the "Father of Reaganomics"
Bob Chapman. theinternationalforecaster.com
Wayne Madsen. waynemadsenreport.com
Ray McGovern. wikipedia.org
Retired CIA officer under seven U.S. presidents over 27 years, presented the morning intelligence briefings at the White House for many of them.
Lindsey Williams. reformation.org
Author of The Energy Non-Crisis. Baptist Minister, Chaplain.
Russ Baker. russbaker.com. wikipedia.org
Author of Family of Secrets
Ron Paul. campaignforliberty.com
Congressman and former Presidential Candidate. Medical doctor.
Joseph Bannister. freedomabovefortune.com
Former IRS special agent.
Robert (Bob) Shulz.
Tax protester who beat the IRS.
Philip J. Berg. obamacrimes.info. Wikipedia.org
former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania, filed a lawsuit under RICO charging Bush et. al. with complicity in 9/11 attacks. Filed lawsuit against Barack Obama challenging his eligibility to be President
Rollye James. rollye.net
Charlie Sheen.
Chuck Norris.
Kurt Nimmo
Steve Watson
Paul Joseph Watson
What has happened to our police?
It should be noted that the incidents below are only an extremely small sample of the sick police brutality that actually occurs and that can be found on national news.
2009. Cop repeatedly tases mom as her children watch. MSNBC.
2009. Iraq War Vet Beaten, Tased by Cops at Las Vegas Airport
2009. Police throw confused 87 year old woman to the ground and blood oozes out onto pavement. YouTube
2009. Oakland, CA: Transit officer Johannes Mehserle executes unarmed man, shooting him in the back while he's laying face down on the ground. Bullet bounces back off the concrete and shreds Oscar Grant's lungs. Grant is turned over and with hands up begs "I have a young child, please don't kill me." The demonic officer becomes enraged at his prey and starts yelling and screaming at the dying man. Police confiscate cell phone videos, thinking they had all the evidence rounded up, they tell the public there were no videos of the incident. Since then three separate videos of the incident have come out, including the official BART surveillance camera footage. This is not only a case against Johannes Mehserle but the entire transit authority police. Instead of voicing outrage and sympathy police around the nation are making excuses for the murderer. Infowars.com, KTVU YouTube, RawStory
2009. PADEN, Oklahoma: Insane thug cop attack emergency paramedic on way to hospital. Dash cam video reveals police tried to cover up misconduct. Witness said he looks so angry that she believes he need to be in anger management. This is not the first time this officer has pulled over and assaulted ambulance workers, apparently who he feels are a threat to his god-like power. Infowars.com here, here, and here
2009. Tampa, FL: Fox 13 Anchor beaten by police. CLHCPF/Local News
2009. Passaic, NJ: Female in squad car issues god-command to man standing on corner of the road to zip up his jacket. He does, the officers get out of their car anyway and begin beating the man to a pulp with their knight stick for three minutes. He was hand-cuffed, arrested and charged with, among other things, resisting arrest. CNN, ABC
2009. El Paso, TX: Aggressive, overbearing, unstable cop arrest ABC news reporter for filming and interviewing at traffic accident, refusing to comply with his god-like orders to leave. ABC News
2008. Birmingham, AL: Five police officers viciously beat and kick unconscious suspect after a highway chase after man is thrown from his overturned vehicle. Video, New York Times
2008. Tampa, FL: Quadriplegic dumped out of wheelchair by Hillsborough County Sheriff, officers laugh. CLHCPF/BBC
2008. Galveston, TX: Police assault 12 year old girl after walking in her front yard mistaking her for a prostitute. Raw Story
2008. Charlotte, NC: Man tortured to death with taser while in police custody. Was tasered seven times longer than the recommendation of the less lethal device. No criminal charges will be filed. Local News
2008. Hyattsville, MD. Man is slugged twice by police thrown to the pavement and then pepper sprayed after stepping out of his car because he dared to asked why to these god-men. The police then tried to frame him. The same officer went on to baton-beat, pepper-spray and finally shoot another man who eyewitnesses say put up no resistance and was then put on paid vacation after the incident. "Police are taught to treat any uncooperative gesture or behavior, however brief or innocuous as 'resisting arrest' -- even displaying a facial expression considered 'menacing' by the high-strung, fragile creatures who populate police agencies." LewRockwell.com
2007. Broward County, FL: Police shoot woman with rubber bullets and later their commander laughs with them about it. YouTube
2007. Tampa, FL: Sheriff takes time writing speeding ticket, then assaults distraught woman trying to find her father who she believes is having a heart-attack. CLHCPF/Local News
2007. Gainesville, FL: Police tase student for asking question to Senator Kerry while the Senator was trying to answer the question. VDare, YouTube
2007. Robstown, TX: Out of control school security guard assaults camera-woman. PrisonPlanet.com
2007. Palmdale, CA: School guards break child's arm and arrest her for dropping cake. When guard notices he's being filmed, he assaults another 16 year old boy and arrests him. ABC Local News, YouTube
2007. St. George MO: Insane officer tells motorist who refuses to discuss his personal business that he as the power to invent charges against him. "You want to try me tonight? You think you've had a bad night? I will ruin your f***ing night...Never get smart with a cop again, I'll show you what a cop does...etc, etc." TheNewspaper.com, Google Video. This is the identical behavior that happened to me personally when handing out flyers at our local 4th of July parade. CLHCPF
2007. Washington D.C.: "Peaceful onlookers were arrested by police [who all swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution] for reading the Constitution while a pro-war group was allowed full freedom of speech in Washington DC....A common theme of the event was that U.S. troops in Iraq were there to 'protect the freedom' of the Iraqi people, but this freedom didn't seem to apply to the group of American citizens that decided to use their first amendment right of free speech to voice their dissent. Five members of Code Pink were arrested, one for reading the Constitution, as police refused to say what the charges were and refused to answer any questions while demonstrators were hauled into paddy wagons." PrisonPlanet.com, YouTube
2007. Bournemouth, England: Two men seized at gun-point, arrested and entered into terrorism database for looking at officers. Bournemouth Echo
2007. Roseland, IN: Police beat town councilman then arrest him for assault. WNDU local news and video, YouTube
2007. Warren, OH: Officer Rich Kovach repeatedly tasers woman as he walks her with it like a dog on a leash. Police did nothing to reprimand officer until tape went public and then he was placed on paid vacation. WYTV, YouTube, CNN
2007. Cop assaults and choke a young boy and girl for asking questions. YouTube
2007. Green Cove Springs, FL: Wheelchair bound lady tased by police 10 times (165 seconds). A few minutes later she is dead. Yahoo! News
2007. St. Louis, MO: Five off-duty cops assault and beat bar employee for trying to stop a fight between two women. Local News
2007. Chicago, IL: Huge off-duty police officer Anthony G. Abbate batters small female bartender, slamming her against the bar, throwing her to the ground and repeatedly punches and kicks her while others in the land of the brave just stand and watch. Later Abbate comes back, threatens an tries to bribe her and the bar owner. Instead of disclaiming this disgusting human being, Chicago police protect Abbate and block and threaten press trying to question him in the following days. YouTube CBS News, Local News
2006. UCLA, CA: Power-crazed police brutally tase student over and over and over and over again for studying in the library without his student ID. The Daily Bruin, YouTube
2006. Chino, CA: Sheriff deputy Ivory John Webb Jr. shot an unarmed off-duty Air Force police officer three time for allegedly refusing to get up from the ground. KTLA Chino News video. He was acquitted on all charges. LA Times
2006. New Orleans, LA: Three police officers repeatedly beat 64 year old man accused of public intoxication while trying to block the press from viewing their actions. Later they assault the press and order them to leave while blood from the old man streams down his arm and flows into the gutter. AP
2005. Utah County, UT: Militarized hooded and masked SWAT team storm rave party with helicopters assault weapons and tear gas, beat party-goers and used dogs to sweep for narcotics. Multiple lawsuits are being threatened against the city. According to an advertisement for the event, an attorney was present at the party. The local sheriff is scheduled to appear on Utah TV following a number of complaints being sent to TV stations and the police. YouTube, PrisonPlanet.com
2005. Portland, OR: Police encountered Fouad Kaady shortly after he was in an accident that left him in shock and bleeding, burned over much of his body. Rather than calling for medical help, the police commanded him to lie on the pavement, even though they could see the burned flesh hanging from his body, and even though they said he appeared to be "in a catatonic state." When he did not comply with their orders, but instead continued to sit on the ground in a daze, they tasered him repeatedly. And then, they shot him to death. The killing of Fouad Kaady. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
2004. Evergreen, IL: Police tase pregnant bride in the abdomen. Local News
2004. Video shows Canadian cop tasering and punching already restrained disabled man while saying "This will teach you not to f*** with me." Public only informed seven years later after video was leaked on the Internet. CTV YouTube
1993. Waco, TX: 76 Men, women children nerve gassed until spines broke from muscle contractions, and were then burned alive. While trying to escape the burning building, satellite imagery shows many were shot to death by federal agents lying in wait. Constitution.org, DVD: Waco, the Rules of Engagement
1990: CA: In unprovoked cruelty police break the arms of peaceful pro-life Christian protesters. YouTube
2009. Cop repeatedly tases mom as her children watch. MSNBC.
2009. Iraq War Vet Beaten, Tased by Cops at Las Vegas Airport
2009. Police throw confused 87 year old woman to the ground and blood oozes out onto pavement. YouTube
2009. Oakland, CA: Transit officer Johannes Mehserle executes unarmed man, shooting him in the back while he's laying face down on the ground. Bullet bounces back off the concrete and shreds Oscar Grant's lungs. Grant is turned over and with hands up begs "I have a young child, please don't kill me." The demonic officer becomes enraged at his prey and starts yelling and screaming at the dying man. Police confiscate cell phone videos, thinking they had all the evidence rounded up, they tell the public there were no videos of the incident. Since then three separate videos of the incident have come out, including the official BART surveillance camera footage. This is not only a case against Johannes Mehserle but the entire transit authority police. Instead of voicing outrage and sympathy police around the nation are making excuses for the murderer. Infowars.com, KTVU YouTube, RawStory
2009. PADEN, Oklahoma: Insane thug cop attack emergency paramedic on way to hospital. Dash cam video reveals police tried to cover up misconduct. Witness said he looks so angry that she believes he need to be in anger management. This is not the first time this officer has pulled over and assaulted ambulance workers, apparently who he feels are a threat to his god-like power. Infowars.com here, here, and here
2009. Tampa, FL: Fox 13 Anchor beaten by police. CLHCPF/Local News
2009. Passaic, NJ: Female in squad car issues god-command to man standing on corner of the road to zip up his jacket. He does, the officers get out of their car anyway and begin beating the man to a pulp with their knight stick for three minutes. He was hand-cuffed, arrested and charged with, among other things, resisting arrest. CNN, ABC
2009. El Paso, TX: Aggressive, overbearing, unstable cop arrest ABC news reporter for filming and interviewing at traffic accident, refusing to comply with his god-like orders to leave. ABC News
2008. Birmingham, AL: Five police officers viciously beat and kick unconscious suspect after a highway chase after man is thrown from his overturned vehicle. Video, New York Times
2008. Tampa, FL: Quadriplegic dumped out of wheelchair by Hillsborough County Sheriff, officers laugh. CLHCPF/BBC
2008. Galveston, TX: Police assault 12 year old girl after walking in her front yard mistaking her for a prostitute. Raw Story
2008. Charlotte, NC: Man tortured to death with taser while in police custody. Was tasered seven times longer than the recommendation of the less lethal device. No criminal charges will be filed. Local News
2008. Hyattsville, MD. Man is slugged twice by police thrown to the pavement and then pepper sprayed after stepping out of his car because he dared to asked why to these god-men. The police then tried to frame him. The same officer went on to baton-beat, pepper-spray and finally shoot another man who eyewitnesses say put up no resistance and was then put on paid vacation after the incident. "Police are taught to treat any uncooperative gesture or behavior, however brief or innocuous as 'resisting arrest' -- even displaying a facial expression considered 'menacing' by the high-strung, fragile creatures who populate police agencies." LewRockwell.com
2007. Broward County, FL: Police shoot woman with rubber bullets and later their commander laughs with them about it. YouTube
2007. Tampa, FL: Sheriff takes time writing speeding ticket, then assaults distraught woman trying to find her father who she believes is having a heart-attack. CLHCPF/Local News
2007. Gainesville, FL: Police tase student for asking question to Senator Kerry while the Senator was trying to answer the question. VDare, YouTube
2007. Robstown, TX: Out of control school security guard assaults camera-woman. PrisonPlanet.com
2007. Palmdale, CA: School guards break child's arm and arrest her for dropping cake. When guard notices he's being filmed, he assaults another 16 year old boy and arrests him. ABC Local News, YouTube
2007. St. George MO: Insane officer tells motorist who refuses to discuss his personal business that he as the power to invent charges against him. "You want to try me tonight? You think you've had a bad night? I will ruin your f***ing night...Never get smart with a cop again, I'll show you what a cop does...etc, etc." TheNewspaper.com, Google Video. This is the identical behavior that happened to me personally when handing out flyers at our local 4th of July parade. CLHCPF
2007. Washington D.C.: "Peaceful onlookers were arrested by police [who all swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution] for reading the Constitution while a pro-war group was allowed full freedom of speech in Washington DC....A common theme of the event was that U.S. troops in Iraq were there to 'protect the freedom' of the Iraqi people, but this freedom didn't seem to apply to the group of American citizens that decided to use their first amendment right of free speech to voice their dissent. Five members of Code Pink were arrested, one for reading the Constitution, as police refused to say what the charges were and refused to answer any questions while demonstrators were hauled into paddy wagons." PrisonPlanet.com, YouTube
2007. Bournemouth, England: Two men seized at gun-point, arrested and entered into terrorism database for looking at officers. Bournemouth Echo
2007. Roseland, IN: Police beat town councilman then arrest him for assault. WNDU local news and video, YouTube
2007. Warren, OH: Officer Rich Kovach repeatedly tasers woman as he walks her with it like a dog on a leash. Police did nothing to reprimand officer until tape went public and then he was placed on paid vacation. WYTV, YouTube, CNN
2007. Cop assaults and choke a young boy and girl for asking questions. YouTube
2007. Green Cove Springs, FL: Wheelchair bound lady tased by police 10 times (165 seconds). A few minutes later she is dead. Yahoo! News
2007. St. Louis, MO: Five off-duty cops assault and beat bar employee for trying to stop a fight between two women. Local News
2007. Chicago, IL: Huge off-duty police officer Anthony G. Abbate batters small female bartender, slamming her against the bar, throwing her to the ground and repeatedly punches and kicks her while others in the land of the brave just stand and watch. Later Abbate comes back, threatens an tries to bribe her and the bar owner. Instead of disclaiming this disgusting human being, Chicago police protect Abbate and block and threaten press trying to question him in the following days. YouTube CBS News, Local News
2006. UCLA, CA: Power-crazed police brutally tase student over and over and over and over again for studying in the library without his student ID. The Daily Bruin, YouTube
2006. Chino, CA: Sheriff deputy Ivory John Webb Jr. shot an unarmed off-duty Air Force police officer three time for allegedly refusing to get up from the ground. KTLA Chino News video. He was acquitted on all charges. LA Times
2006. New Orleans, LA: Three police officers repeatedly beat 64 year old man accused of public intoxication while trying to block the press from viewing their actions. Later they assault the press and order them to leave while blood from the old man streams down his arm and flows into the gutter. AP
2005. Utah County, UT: Militarized hooded and masked SWAT team storm rave party with helicopters assault weapons and tear gas, beat party-goers and used dogs to sweep for narcotics. Multiple lawsuits are being threatened against the city. According to an advertisement for the event, an attorney was present at the party. The local sheriff is scheduled to appear on Utah TV following a number of complaints being sent to TV stations and the police. YouTube, PrisonPlanet.com
2005. Portland, OR: Police encountered Fouad Kaady shortly after he was in an accident that left him in shock and bleeding, burned over much of his body. Rather than calling for medical help, the police commanded him to lie on the pavement, even though they could see the burned flesh hanging from his body, and even though they said he appeared to be "in a catatonic state." When he did not comply with their orders, but instead continued to sit on the ground in a daze, they tasered him repeatedly. And then, they shot him to death. The killing of Fouad Kaady. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
2004. Evergreen, IL: Police tase pregnant bride in the abdomen. Local News
2004. Video shows Canadian cop tasering and punching already restrained disabled man while saying "This will teach you not to f*** with me." Public only informed seven years later after video was leaked on the Internet. CTV YouTube
1993. Waco, TX: 76 Men, women children nerve gassed until spines broke from muscle contractions, and were then burned alive. While trying to escape the burning building, satellite imagery shows many were shot to death by federal agents lying in wait. Constitution.org, DVD: Waco, the Rules of Engagement
1990: CA: In unprovoked cruelty police break the arms of peaceful pro-life Christian protesters. YouTube
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Moves to control the Internet
2009. Should Obama Control the Internet? The Cybersecurity Act of 2009
2009. US cybersecurity chief quits over NSA power grab...NSA Chief to Head New Cyber Command
2009. New York Times calls for Internet 2 which would "create a 'gated community' where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety."
Around the World
2009. Australia: Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day
2009. UK: Plan to monitor all internet use
2009. Should Obama Control the Internet? The Cybersecurity Act of 2009
2009. US cybersecurity chief quits over NSA power grab...NSA Chief to Head New Cyber Command
2009. New York Times calls for Internet 2 which would "create a 'gated community' where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety."
Around the World
2009. Australia: Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day
2009. UK: Plan to monitor all internet use
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Max Keiser explains to his befuddled host the magnitude of the banker takeover
Below is a transcript of the YouTube clip interview between Afshin Rattansi in Tehran and Max Keiser about the end of Wall Street:
Afshin: Well, joining me now on the phone is Max Keiser, the journalist and broadcaster live from Paris in France. Max Goldman and Morgan now subject to regulation. Isn't this what critics of their highly-geard dealing have been demanding for years?
Max: I'm not so sure, Afshin, I think this is a great way for them now to hide any close examination of their books, I think this is actually in the cards from the beginning. Because as you know Morgan and, ah JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have been involved in a tremendous amount of, let's call it, euphamistically, money laundering over the years, and now by becoming a commercial bank, I believe that this is ah, going to insulate themselves from any real close examination because they're going to be behind the firewall, behind Hank Paulson's firewall. You know Hank Paulson has effectively hijacked, the US financial system, he's no different then the 9/11 hijackers as far as I'm concerned. He's a financial terrorist and he's taking the US banking system to the edge of the abyss — all for the benefit of the shareholders and his cronies at Goldman and JP Morgan, the US taxpayer, the US citizen unfortunately is going to get the short end of the stick.
Afshin: But doesn't the new regulatory provision because there will now be holding companies mean that we can expect loads of SEC, US Treasury official all flying around the world to Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs' offices checking all the records, interviewing the staff, checking on probity?
Max: Yes, but at the same time, this cout-de-tat has taken place and given Hank Paulson dictatorial powers to determine what is in fact information that should be disclosed or not disclosed, combine that with Bush's dictatorial powers to decalre a state of emergency at the drop of hat, I don't think any of this information is going to see the light of day. It's just like, you remember, building 7 on 9/11 is where they had all thos Enron records and those twin towers collapsing was kind of a cover to keep those records from being examined. These guys will stop at nothing to keep their dirty laundry a secret. So it's just par for the course.
Afshin: Even all the auditing companies that now, ah these banks, well, will have to be scrutinized by federal law?
Max: What auditing companies? The ones that have been discredited for the last ten years and have gone out of business like Auther Anderson who was auditing Enron, for example? The auditing companies, the rating agencies, the treasury department the federal reserve bank, this is a criminal syndicate, they should be investigated under RICO. These guys are wholesale theiving of trillions of dollars. The rest of the world will fortunately, wake up to the fact that they should probably get out of the US dollar, because that's the only teather between the rest of the world and this criminal syndicate on Wall Street headed up by Hank Paulson. So once they figure that out, the dollar goes into permanent decline, and the rest of the world will escape this nightmare of US banking, ah you know, Hank Paulson has become kind of like a Colonel Kurtz character, he's gone insane, nobody can stop him; they need to send like a Martin Sheen guy up the river to find him and take him out because he's taking the entire US economy into oblivion.
Afshin: At the very least will they at least have to pay more tax because after so many years people have been saying that Goldman partners when it was a partnership, they paid very little tax.
Max: [Laughs] What, are they going to be extradited from some low tax country with a non-extradition agreement? They're not going to stick around in the US when the Americans are going to have their pitchforks ready to go and take back their country? They're not going to stick around for that, that's for somebody else to do.
Afshin: Will the poor of America now be able to open current accounts, you know grandmothers with ten dollars to spare at Goldman Sachs branch?
Max: [Lauhgs] Afshin, ah, I don't think you're getting the full picture here. In order to bail out these crooks the Treasury and the Federal Reserve will flood the economy with trillions of dollars which will take the value of the dollar down to zero. Sure you can open an account at Goldman Sachs with your 100 dollar retirement fund, unfortunately that 100 dollars won't buy you toilet paper. Toilet paper is going to be, you know, this is more valuable than the US dollar in a few weeks time; a hundred dollars a sheet. This is a hundred dollars [holds up toilet paper] I can make a hundred dollars all I want right here, here's a thousand tollars, heres 5000 dollars, here's a million dollars. It's all going to complete zero, its like the Weimar Republic, they'll say you can have all the money you want. You want another stimulus package? Here'another 500 billion dollars, it doesn't make any difference, its all worthless.
Afshin: How did they pick the 700 billion dollar figure anyway because there was some estimates of 1.3 trillion and then there was 500, where are they getting their numbers from?
Max: The 700 billion dollars is an arbitrary sum, and its not the extent to which they can launder this money, it just means that they can't go exceed that level at any given moment in their laundering scheme. Let me tell you how it works: in other words, they've got their 700 billion dollar slush fund; they can buy a mortgage for 50 cents on the dollar to help out their banking buddies and then they can resell it for some other chump for 20 cents on the dollar — book a loss — for the American public take it off the 700 billion dollar slush fund and repeat the process over and over again. And they can keep the circular motion of this money laudering scheme, multi-national ponzi scheme going, but now its like a controlled demolition, not unlike 9/11 which was a controlled demolition.
This is a controlled demolition of the US banking system. Hank Paulson has become the arsonist and pyromaniac-in-chief. His job is to floor-by-floor take the US banking system down, take the US dollar down to its absolute zero, and do so withoug upsetting his chinese masters and his middle eastern masters. He's a tyrant. Under the Constitution, Hank Paulson qualifies as a tyrant and should be taken up on charges under the Constitution, that's a constitutional obligation of every American to get Hank Paulson into a court of law as a tyrant.
Afshin: You're talking about a question of timing, by the way building 7 is a bit more controversial, we'll have to save that for another time, but as to timing, as long as the Chinese don't withdraw their dollars does that mean the could just stave off a real systemic economic collapse in the United States until after the election?
Max: I think that the word from China is that they were going to start dumping US dollars. This is what triggered the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because as you recall the Chinese bond-holders were made whole, the American shareholders got nothing. Interestingly enough Afshin, Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail and Lehman Brothers of course had a few hundred billion worth of bonds with Chavez, Hugo Chavez in Venesuala. So America was saying to Hugo Chavez of Venesuala vis-a-vis Lehman Brothers, we're not going to bail you out, but we'll be happy to bail the Chinese out. Of course the US shareholders get nothing, as long as they keep consuming, that's their only job in their country is to consume themselves until they can't consume any more....
Afshin: Max Keiser, journalist and broadcaster, funny you mentioned Venezuala I think that's our next story, how the Venesualen connection [unintelligable] Lehman Brothers [unintelligable] war ships are on their way from Russia. Thank you very much Max Keiser.
Below is a transcript of the YouTube clip interview between Afshin Rattansi in Tehran and Max Keiser about the end of Wall Street:
Afshin: Well, joining me now on the phone is Max Keiser, the journalist and broadcaster live from Paris in France. Max Goldman and Morgan now subject to regulation. Isn't this what critics of their highly-geard dealing have been demanding for years?
Max: I'm not so sure, Afshin, I think this is a great way for them now to hide any close examination of their books, I think this is actually in the cards from the beginning. Because as you know Morgan and, ah JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have been involved in a tremendous amount of, let's call it, euphamistically, money laundering over the years, and now by becoming a commercial bank, I believe that this is ah, going to insulate themselves from any real close examination because they're going to be behind the firewall, behind Hank Paulson's firewall. You know Hank Paulson has effectively hijacked, the US financial system, he's no different then the 9/11 hijackers as far as I'm concerned. He's a financial terrorist and he's taking the US banking system to the edge of the abyss — all for the benefit of the shareholders and his cronies at Goldman and JP Morgan, the US taxpayer, the US citizen unfortunately is going to get the short end of the stick.
Afshin: But doesn't the new regulatory provision because there will now be holding companies mean that we can expect loads of SEC, US Treasury official all flying around the world to Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs' offices checking all the records, interviewing the staff, checking on probity?
Max: Yes, but at the same time, this cout-de-tat has taken place and given Hank Paulson dictatorial powers to determine what is in fact information that should be disclosed or not disclosed, combine that with Bush's dictatorial powers to decalre a state of emergency at the drop of hat, I don't think any of this information is going to see the light of day. It's just like, you remember, building 7 on 9/11 is where they had all thos Enron records and those twin towers collapsing was kind of a cover to keep those records from being examined. These guys will stop at nothing to keep their dirty laundry a secret. So it's just par for the course.
Afshin: Even all the auditing companies that now, ah these banks, well, will have to be scrutinized by federal law?
Max: What auditing companies? The ones that have been discredited for the last ten years and have gone out of business like Auther Anderson who was auditing Enron, for example? The auditing companies, the rating agencies, the treasury department the federal reserve bank, this is a criminal syndicate, they should be investigated under RICO. These guys are wholesale theiving of trillions of dollars. The rest of the world will fortunately, wake up to the fact that they should probably get out of the US dollar, because that's the only teather between the rest of the world and this criminal syndicate on Wall Street headed up by Hank Paulson. So once they figure that out, the dollar goes into permanent decline, and the rest of the world will escape this nightmare of US banking, ah you know, Hank Paulson has become kind of like a Colonel Kurtz character, he's gone insane, nobody can stop him; they need to send like a Martin Sheen guy up the river to find him and take him out because he's taking the entire US economy into oblivion.
Afshin: At the very least will they at least have to pay more tax because after so many years people have been saying that Goldman partners when it was a partnership, they paid very little tax.
Max: [Laughs] What, are they going to be extradited from some low tax country with a non-extradition agreement? They're not going to stick around in the US when the Americans are going to have their pitchforks ready to go and take back their country? They're not going to stick around for that, that's for somebody else to do.
Afshin: Will the poor of America now be able to open current accounts, you know grandmothers with ten dollars to spare at Goldman Sachs branch?
Max: [Lauhgs] Afshin, ah, I don't think you're getting the full picture here. In order to bail out these crooks the Treasury and the Federal Reserve will flood the economy with trillions of dollars which will take the value of the dollar down to zero. Sure you can open an account at Goldman Sachs with your 100 dollar retirement fund, unfortunately that 100 dollars won't buy you toilet paper. Toilet paper is going to be, you know, this is more valuable than the US dollar in a few weeks time; a hundred dollars a sheet. This is a hundred dollars [holds up toilet paper] I can make a hundred dollars all I want right here, here's a thousand tollars, heres 5000 dollars, here's a million dollars. It's all going to complete zero, its like the Weimar Republic, they'll say you can have all the money you want. You want another stimulus package? Here'another 500 billion dollars, it doesn't make any difference, its all worthless.
Afshin: How did they pick the 700 billion dollar figure anyway because there was some estimates of 1.3 trillion and then there was 500, where are they getting their numbers from?
Max: The 700 billion dollars is an arbitrary sum, and its not the extent to which they can launder this money, it just means that they can't go exceed that level at any given moment in their laundering scheme. Let me tell you how it works: in other words, they've got their 700 billion dollar slush fund; they can buy a mortgage for 50 cents on the dollar to help out their banking buddies and then they can resell it for some other chump for 20 cents on the dollar — book a loss — for the American public take it off the 700 billion dollar slush fund and repeat the process over and over again. And they can keep the circular motion of this money laudering scheme, multi-national ponzi scheme going, but now its like a controlled demolition, not unlike 9/11 which was a controlled demolition.
This is a controlled demolition of the US banking system. Hank Paulson has become the arsonist and pyromaniac-in-chief. His job is to floor-by-floor take the US banking system down, take the US dollar down to its absolute zero, and do so withoug upsetting his chinese masters and his middle eastern masters. He's a tyrant. Under the Constitution, Hank Paulson qualifies as a tyrant and should be taken up on charges under the Constitution, that's a constitutional obligation of every American to get Hank Paulson into a court of law as a tyrant.
Afshin: You're talking about a question of timing, by the way building 7 is a bit more controversial, we'll have to save that for another time, but as to timing, as long as the Chinese don't withdraw their dollars does that mean the could just stave off a real systemic economic collapse in the United States until after the election?
Max: I think that the word from China is that they were going to start dumping US dollars. This is what triggered the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because as you recall the Chinese bond-holders were made whole, the American shareholders got nothing. Interestingly enough Afshin, Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail and Lehman Brothers of course had a few hundred billion worth of bonds with Chavez, Hugo Chavez in Venesuala. So America was saying to Hugo Chavez of Venesuala vis-a-vis Lehman Brothers, we're not going to bail you out, but we'll be happy to bail the Chinese out. Of course the US shareholders get nothing, as long as they keep consuming, that's their only job in their country is to consume themselves until they can't consume any more....
Afshin: Max Keiser, journalist and broadcaster, funny you mentioned Venezuala I think that's our next story, how the Venesualen connection [unintelligable] Lehman Brothers [unintelligable] war ships are on their way from Russia. Thank you very much Max Keiser.
Is the New World Order still a conspiracy theory?
Is a New World Order run by international bankers collecting carbon taxes and a global currency still a conspiracy theory?
2009. Major NAU conference held in Montreal entitled "Adapting to a New World Order".
2009. Press Association: New world order hailed after rescue
2007-2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls for New World Order again and again and again.
2009. UK Mail: Self-Avowed Atheist Gordon Brown DOES do God as he calls for new world order in sermon at St Paul's Cathedral, quotes scripture
2008. Nicolas Sarkozy calls for a New World Order at the UN: YouTube.
2008. Financial Times of London: And now for a world government
2009. Time Magazine: New World Order
2009. Sean Hannity & Dick Morris: the "conspiracy people" were right
2007. Kissinger calls for Bush, next president to use crisis to create New World Order on Charlie Rose
2009. Again, Kissinger calls for Obama to use crisis to create New World Order on stock exchange floor @ 2:40
1991. President George Bush Sr. Pines for New World Order "When we are successful, and we will be..." National address. State of the Union @ 5:06
2009. Paul Kennedy: New World Order will Emerge in 2009
2009. Lou Dobs: Obama and Gordon Brown are setting up a New World Order at G20
2009. Rolling Stone: The big takeover
2009. G20: Communique
2009. Anderson Cooper: New World Order global regulator will emerge from G20.
2009. Time: Barack Obama's New World Order
2009. Politico: Geithner backtracks and tells CFR he's open to a global currency.
2009. BBC: New world order emerges from chaos (ordo ab chao)
2009. London Telegraph: The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency
2008. Europe want to present a blueprint for a world-wide currency system: YouTube.
2009. The New World Order has recently surged as a topic of mainstream news. At the time of this posting Google News shows over 66,500 results for searching "New World Order".
2009. Major NAU conference held in Montreal entitled "Adapting to a New World Order".
From the Meeting Schedule:
"As a consequence of the global economic turmoil, a new world order is emerging...."
Wednesday, 10 June 2009: the Americas and the New World Order
Thursday, 11 June 2009: The Economic Crisis and the Central Banks: What Role Do They Play and How Far Can they Go?
2009. Press Association: New world order hailed after rescue
2007-2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls for New World Order again and again and again.
2009. UK Mail: Self-Avowed Atheist Gordon Brown DOES do God as he calls for new world order in sermon at St Paul's Cathedral, quotes scripture
2008. Nicolas Sarkozy calls for a New World Order at the UN: YouTube.
2008. Financial Times of London: And now for a world government
2009. Time Magazine: New World Order
2009. Sean Hannity & Dick Morris: the "conspiracy people" were right
2007. Kissinger calls for Bush, next president to use crisis to create New World Order on Charlie Rose
2009. Again, Kissinger calls for Obama to use crisis to create New World Order on stock exchange floor @ 2:40
1991. President George Bush Sr. Pines for New World Order "When we are successful, and we will be..." National address. State of the Union @ 5:06
2009. Paul Kennedy: New World Order will Emerge in 2009
2009. Lou Dobs: Obama and Gordon Brown are setting up a New World Order at G20
2009. Rolling Stone: The big takeover
2009. G20: Communique
2009. Anderson Cooper: New World Order global regulator will emerge from G20.
2009. Time: Barack Obama's New World Order
2009. Politico: Geithner backtracks and tells CFR he's open to a global currency.
2009. BBC: New world order emerges from chaos (ordo ab chao)
2009. London Telegraph: The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency
2008. Europe want to present a blueprint for a world-wide currency system: YouTube.
2009. The New World Order has recently surged as a topic of mainstream news. At the time of this posting Google News shows over 66,500 results for searching "New World Order".
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Who needs nuclear bombs? Iraqi civilian death toll races past Hiroshima and Nagasaki
800,000 to 1.3 Million Dead Iraqi Civillians, 1-2 Million Widows and 5 Million Orphans
LA Times
What would he have said today?
In other news, in a minor accounting error, American troop deaths exceed the 4-5000 now reported up to 6 times the amount, topping 30,000. If a soldier is transported away from a combat zone and dies in or on the way to a hospital, the Pentagon is not counting it as a combat related death.
GlobalSecurity.org Graphs
LA Times
“Then as the crowning savagery of war, we as Americans wiped out hundreds of thousands of civilian population with the atom bomb in Japan, few if any of the ordinary civilians being any more responsible for the war than were we and perhaps no more aiding Japan in the war than we were aiding America. Military men are now saying that the atom bomb was a mistake. It was more than that: it was a world tragedy.…And the worst of the atomic bomb tragedy is not that not only did the people of the United States not rise up in protest against this savagery, not only did it not shock us to read of this wholesale destruction of men, women and children, and cripples, but that it actually drew from the nation at large approval of this fiendish butchery.” (J. Reuben Clark, October 1946.)
What would he have said today?
In other news, in a minor accounting error, American troop deaths exceed the 4-5000 now reported up to 6 times the amount, topping 30,000. If a soldier is transported away from a combat zone and dies in or on the way to a hospital, the Pentagon is not counting it as a combat related death.
GlobalSecurity.org Graphs
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