Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is the New World Order still a conspiracy theory?

Is a New World Order run by international bankers collecting carbon taxes and a global currency still a conspiracy theory?

2009. Major NAU conference held in Montreal entitled "Adapting to a New World Order".
From the Meeting Schedule:
"As a consequence of the global economic turmoil, a new world order is emerging...."

Wednesday, 10 June 2009: the Americas and the New World Order

Thursday, 11 June 2009: The Economic Crisis and the Central Banks: What Role Do They Play and How Far Can they Go?

2009. Press Association: New world order hailed after rescue

2007-2009. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown calls for New World Order again and again and again.

2009. UK Mail: Self-Avowed Atheist Gordon Brown DOES do God as he calls for new world order in sermon at St Paul's Cathedral, quotes scripture

2008. Nicolas Sarkozy calls for a New World Order at the UN: YouTube.

2008. Financial Times of London: And now for a world government

2009. Time Magazine: New World Order

2009. Sean Hannity & Dick Morris: the "conspiracy people" were right

2007. Kissinger calls for Bush, next president to use crisis to create New World Order on Charlie Rose

2009. Again, Kissinger calls for Obama to use crisis to create New World Order on stock exchange floor @ 2:40

1991. President George Bush Sr. Pines for New World Order "When we are successful, and we will be..." National address. State of the Union @ 5:06

2009. Paul Kennedy: New World Order will Emerge in 2009

2009. Lou Dobs: Obama and Gordon Brown are setting up a New World Order at G20

2009. Rolling Stone: The big takeover

2009. G20: Communique

2009. Anderson Cooper: New World Order global regulator will emerge from G20.

2009. Time: Barack Obama's New World Order

2009. Politico: Geithner backtracks and tells CFR he's open to a global currency.

2009. BBC: New world order emerges from chaos (ordo ab chao)

2009. London Telegraph: The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency

2008. Europe want to present a blueprint for a world-wide currency system: YouTube.

2009. The New World Order has recently surged as a topic of mainstream news. At the time of this posting Google News shows over 66,500 results for searching "New World Order".