Brighter visions beam afar;
Seek the great Desire of nations;
Ye have seen His natal star.
(Angels from the Realms of Glory, verse 3)
Jesus Christ is the great Desire of nations. He is the source of just and true government and it is his right to reign. Nations must seek him to establish what it desired by the common man: Peace. Peace comes from establishing justice, judgment, neighborliness, loving-kindness and long-suffering. It is the peace which those in power almost always try to deny them. The great desire of nations only comes when people of their own free-will choose to follow the Savior and be bound by His laws. Other nations may imitate the established order that flows from this as other countries imitated the U.S. Constitution and as the Anglo-Saxons imitated the government of ancient Israel, but it only endures when a virtuous people sacrifice and remain watchful.
As troops continue to build up in our own country and threaten the populace who are sick and tired of the robbery perpetrated by those in government; as men’s hearts begin to fail them as the enormity of Satan’s plans begins to unfold in their eyes, my we remember and have the guidance of our Father in Heaven to know how to act, and may he be merciful to us.
Saints, before the altar bending,
Watching long in hope and fear;
Suddenly the Lord, descending,
In His temple shall appear.
(verse 4)
Merry Christmas.