Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tuskegee syphilis study. Infoplease, Wikipedia.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Waking up homeless on the land our fathers occupied

On September 26th, Bloomberg reported the first banker bailout would reach 5 trillion dollars. Bloomberg has been steadily increasing that figure from more recently reported the bailout will reach 12.8 trillion. 12.8 trillion is essentially the amount of money that the entire country produces (GDP) in a year. Unbelievably enormous sums of money are flowing from the taxpayer into the hands of international and foreign banks.

What are the mass of the American people worried about? Socialism? CEO Bonuses? Government giving a few billion to GM, or firing their officers?

We are not socialist nor are we on the road to it. Socialism is a fraud that says government takes money and redistributes it to the people. Socialism never exists; it is a sweet sounding front for a small group of private interests putting their people in power in government. These governmental puppets then implement the plans of those who put them in power. This is called Fascism or more accurately, Corporatism.

If we were socialists, and our problem was really sub-prime mortgages, then we would have taken 780 billion dollars and paid off 90% of American’s mortgages and our problem would have been solved. I pray that we had socialism instead of what we do have. I am not a socialist, but it would be several degrees of magnitude better than what we have.

Unfortunately the problems of this small group of private interests would not have been solved. 12.8 trillion is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the havoc that they have wreaked. These institutions have been leveraging prices on the stock market with “exotic financial instruments” called derivatives. They can drive prices up or down according to their desire by placing bets on the future prices of stocks. This practice was illegal until the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. These manipulative transactions have totaled up to 1.5 quadrillion dollars, that’s a black-hole big enough to swallow the combined value of all the assets on planet earth 10 times!

Taking the foregoing into consideration, we conservatives, constitutionalists, free-market capitalists, or whatever; see homes foreclosed and say confidently to ourselves, “justice has been done.” The local police drag people out of their homes, sometimes brutalizing them and think to themselves “I’m important, and these people are deadbeats.” Think again for a minute, I beg you, those of you who think this is the free-market at work. Who is foreclosing on these homes? Who are the police working for? These homes are being foreclosed, most of them, by the same banks and financiers that have looted the public treasury to fund their global gambling addiction. Look at who is funding the campaigns of the politicians, look at who is getting the lion’s share of the public money, then consider again if the people who are paying taxes to these international banks and who's children have been sold as bond-servants should be thrown out of their homes by these banks, using the local police as their enforcers.

We are waking up homeless on the continent our fathers occupied just as Jefferson said we would.

We Americans are only beginning to experience the chaos from our collapsing economy the same way it occurred in Argentina and many other first and third-world countries. "As rich as an Argentine" was for a long time a popular saying, but no more. I encourage anyone to watch Argentina's Economic Collapse to get an idea of where we're headed, and read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man to get an idea of how we got here.

P.S. Thankfully in California, governor Schwarzenegger has a militarized camp that all the homeless "get" to go to and I hear they have movies on Friday nights! (But don't worry, these are not FEMA camps.)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Government Schools Becoming Militarized Re-Education Camps

2003. Goose Creek South Carolina: SWAT team terrorizes school; Stratford High School. PrisonPlanet, YouTube, More Info, Settlement Info.

2009. Safford Arizona: Female student fully strip searched on suspicion of hiding an aspirin. High court debates whether this should be a common practice. NYTimes.

2009. Clay County, FL: Nine year old girl handing out cough drops accused of selling drugs at school. Local News.

2008. Orlando Florida: Cops taser 11 year old girl at Florida elementary school. Local News.

2004. Muskegon Michigan: Government portrays homeschoolers as terrorists to bus full of children in a mock drill. Homeschool World, PrisonPlanet.

2007. Albany Oregon: Cops terrorize kids in another school shooting drill. YouTube, Local News.

Several professors at USF in the last few years have taught my class that the purpose of government schools is to establish social norms — to establish with government funding what the government sees as appropriate behavior.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


CIA interrogation tactics: a terrifying ordeal. AP

Major General Antonio Taguba said torture included rape and sexual assaults on prisoners with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube. "The latest photographs relate to 400 cases of alleged abuse between 2001 and 2005 in Abu Ghraib and six other prisons": London Telegraph.

Seymor Hersh: Government has video of Children being sodomized at Abu Ghraib: Salon.

Torture memo released by Pentagon: President's authority trumps international and Congressional authority. USA Today

John Yoo says president can decide to torture children in front of parents, including crushing their testicles. Wikipedia.

Obama will not prosecute torturers who were "just following orders" repudiating the rejection of the Nuremberg defense which agreement every country in the world signed with the exception of China. AFP. MSNBC.

Top interrogator Matthew Alexander refuses to torture, said ethical methods work better; says torture is counter-productive, increases enemy recruitment and causes soldier deaths; says torture leads to false intel. Washington Post. Book. Kieth Olbermann. Russia Today.

It's enough to make Jeffrey Dahmer proud.

Alex Jones describes our journey into darkness.