Major General Antonio Taguba said torture included rape and sexual assaults on prisoners with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube. "The latest photographs relate to 400 cases of alleged abuse between 2001 and 2005 in Abu Ghraib and six other prisons": London Telegraph.
Seymor Hersh: Government has video of Children being sodomized at Abu Ghraib: Salon.
Torture memo released by Pentagon: President's authority trumps international and Congressional authority. USA Today
John Yoo says president can decide to torture children in front of parents, including crushing their testicles. Wikipedia.
Obama will not prosecute torturers who were "just following orders" repudiating the rejection of the Nuremberg defense which agreement every country in the world signed with the exception of China. AFP. MSNBC.
Top interrogator Matthew Alexander refuses to torture, said ethical methods work better; says torture is counter-productive, increases enemy recruitment and causes soldier deaths; says torture leads to false intel. Washington Post. Book. Kieth Olbermann. Russia Today.
It's enough to make Jeffrey Dahmer proud.
Alex Jones describes our journey into darkness.