The first beast is England/Britain. It was a most fearsome nation that conquered and ruled other nations all around the globe. It is an isle of the sea and the first beast arouse out of the water and stood on the sand of the sea. Through oaths made with the dragon and establishing secret combinations, the dragon was able to give the beast great power and authority.
Blasphemies and false doctrines came out of the mouth of the beast deceiving men which came to believe that making war subjugating the people of the earth was a noble undertaking, and that they were bringing light and civilization to backwards and darkened people. In this manner and others men worshiped the dragon.
The second beast is America. America, as a foundling nation rebelled against the beast and delt it a blow the nearly did and could have destroyed it. As America matured, instead of maintaining its roots of honoring the God that delivered and established them, rose up with from the land with two horns like a lamb which represent feigned benevolence.
Through this feigned benevolence, the second beast was able to deceive the nations. Unknown to men, however is that the second beast which arose was the kin of the first beast, and arose for the purpose of strengthening the first beast.
The second beast obtained and exercised all the power of the first, and echoed the blasphemies and false doctrines of the first, causing men to worship the beast and the dragon.
America caused fire to come down out of heaven and astonish men who looked upon it in the form of nuclear weapons, causing men to exclaim again "who is able to make war with the beast?"
The slaughter at Waco, repealing Posse Comitatus, the passing of the Military Commissions Act, the Patriot Act and the deployment of combat troops in America are a few of the obvious example of the beginning of the fulfillment of verse 15.
The beast has been and is now working to fulfill verses 16-17.